FAQ - ID Incognito

Frequently Asked Questions About ID Incognito

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about ID Incognito. Our ultimate goal as a service is privacy, and, on principle, our default response to any situation is to create a more secure experience for both our users and us as a company. Still have a question? Feel free to let us know by contacting us!

How do you protect my real contact information?2019-03-28T13:13:36-04:00

We are a privacy company, and we take privacy very seriously. Your contact information is securely stored on our servers, and access is tightly controlled for only “need to know” purposes by our staff. We do not sell, rent, lease, or otherwise transfer any contact information you provide to us to any party, for any reason, unless required by law, and only then in the most minimal way to comply with the relevant laws or court orders. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Why can’t I use a social media account to sign in to ID Incognito?2020-07-27T10:13:52-04:00

Quite simply, because your use of our service is none of their business, either. While it may be convenient, whenever you sign in to a website or application with your social media account, that company knows what site you’re on, when you’re using it, and that it’s you. The whole point of our service is to protect your privacy; telling Facebook whenever you sign in on our website works against that goal.

How many email address and phone number aliases can I have under my account?2019-03-28T09:46:26-04:00

When first signing up for our service, we generate one email and phone number alias for you. In the near future, we will add the ability to purchase additional aliases from your account home page.

Can I send emails and text messages using my aliases?2019-03-28T09:46:35-04:00

No, but you can reply to emails and text messages sent to your aliases. This helps prevent misuse of our system.

Can I receive voice phone calls on my phone number alias?2019-03-28T13:14:28-04:00

While our tech does support voice communication, we do not currently process inbound voice calls. If someone calls the phone number alias, it will just ring and ring on their end without being answered.

Will this service keep me from getting robo-call spam on my mobile phone?2019-03-28T09:46:05-04:00

When someone (human or otherwise) calls one of our phone number aliases, it will just ring and ring on their end, without being answered. However, many robo-calls try all the numbers in a block (e.g., 555-0001, 555-0002, 555-0003, etc.). Eventually, your real mobile number is bound to get hit. Unfortunately, there’s nothing our service (or anyone else) can do about that, at least not yet. We do have some ideas we’re exploring though.